/** * File contents of "userdata.h" for MAID - Energy Monitor * * This file is used to change your personal user data to meet your needs * For more information visit https://github.com/jorgeassuncao/ESP8266-Energy-Monitor */ //************ CONFIG WIFI ******************************************************************************* // Configurations of your wifi network - Fixed IP is used because it's quicker to connect than DHCP //******************************************************************************************************** // Wifi SSID (the name of your wifi network) const char* ssid = "xxxxxxx"; // Wifi password (the password to access your network) const char* password = "xxxxxxxx"; // The fixed IP address you want for this node (must be unique inside your network - see above note) IPAddress ip(192,168,1,20); // DNS server IP address (usually the same as your router/gateway but can be another DNS server) IPAddress dns(8,8,8,8); // Gateway IP address (the address you use to access your router/gateway) IPAddress gateway(192,168,1,1); // Subnet mask IP address () IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); // Hostname (the name you want to give to this node, must be unique inside your network) #define host_name "ELEC" //************* CONFIG MQTT ****************************************************************************** // Configurations of your MQTT server - //******************************************************************************************************** // MQTT server IP ou URL (the ip address or URL of your MQTT broker) const char* mqtt_server = ""; // MQTT port (usually 1883) int mqtt_port = 1883; // MQTT user (the username of your MQTT broker) const char* mqtt_username = ""; // MQTT password (the password of your MQTT broker) const char* mqtt_password = ""; //************ MQTT TOPICS ******************************************************************************* // Configurations of your MQTT topics - to match your MQTT broker //******************************************************************************************************** // MQTT topic to publish "watt" values const char* mqtt_topic_watt = "ESP-energy-01/watt"; // MQTT topic to publish "kwh" values const char* mqtt_topic_kwh = "ESP-energy-01/kwh"; // MQTT topic to publish "pulse/total kwh" values const char* mqtt_topic_pulse = "ESP-energy-01/pulse"; // MQTT topic to publish IP address const char* mqtt_topic_ip = "ESP-energy-01/ip"; // MQTT topic to publish MAC address const char* mqtt_topic_mac = "ESP-energy-01/mac"; // MQTT topic to subscribe and get values when node starts const char* mqtt_topic_sub_1 = mqtt_topic_pulse; // END